
Vision Therapy

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How Do I Know If a Child Needs Vision Therapy?

The list below may signal that a patient may need vision therapy:

~ Skipping words or lines while reading

~ Mixing similar words, such as ‘was’ and ‘saw’

~ Confusing the letters b, d, p and q

~ Rubbing eyes or closing one eye when reading or doing near work

~ Holding books too closely or tilting head when reading

~ Eyestrain or headaches with school work or computer use

~ Difficulty with reading comprehension

~ Blurred or double vision when reading

~ Avoiding homework

~ Poor attention span

~ Fidgeting and squirming in the chair

There are several areas where vision therapy can help

Reading Below Grade Level

ADD/ADHD & Learning Problems


Problems with Binocular Vision – Eye Teaming/ Eye Tracking

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

Reading Below Grade Level

ADD/ADHD & Learning Problems


Problems with Binocular Vision – Eye Teaming/ Eye Tracking

Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

How Does Vision Therapy Work?

Vision Therapy trains our eyes and brain to work together.

You might be surprised to learn that the visual system is made up of the eyes and the brain – and it’s how these two parts work together that makes all the difference.

The ability for the brain and eyes to work together has a significant impact on the learning process in both children and adults. Whether reading words on the board, in a book, catching a ball, or even just maintaining attention throughout the day, children rely on this brain/eye interaction to function effectively in order to succeed in school and in sports.

Vision therapy develops and enhances the fundamental visual skills and abilities, which leads to increased visual comfort and enhanced information processing. When the eyes and brain learn to work together as a team, visual function improves, and struggles in the classroom are alleviated.